

Poetry in English Literature comes in various forms, each with its unique structure, style, and characteristics. Here are some common types of poetry;

SONNET: A sonnet is a 14-line poem in iambic pentameter, typically with ABABCDCDEFGG or ABBAABBACDCDC rhyme schemes.

HAIKU: Haikus often capture moments of nature or evoke emotions through concise and evocative language. Additionally, a Japanese form of poetry consisting of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5.

LIMERICK: A humorous poem consisting of five lines with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA) and a distinctive rhythm. Limericks often feature witty or absurd content.

FREE VERSE: Poetry without strict meter or rhyme gives poets more freedom to express themselves. Consequently, they rely on imagery, rhythm, and other literary devices for effect.

EPIC: A lengthy narrative poem that tells the story of heroic deeds or legendary events. Additionally, epics frequently showcase larger-than-life characters and delve into themes of heroism, honor, and the human condition.

ODE: A lyrical poem expressing admiration or celebration for a person, object, or idea. Odes often have a formal structure and elevated language, serving as a tribute to their subject.

BALLAD: A narrative poem that tells a story, often with a musical quality. Ballads typically have a simple rhyme scheme and meter, making them easy to recite or sing.

SESTINA: A sestina explores a theme through repeated end words, with the envoi concluding and summarizing the developed themes.

VILLANELLE: A villanelle is a structured 19-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme (ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA), often exploring themes of obsession, memory, or loss with a repeating refrain.

CONCRETE POETRY: Concrete poems use visual word arrangement to enhance the poem’s meaning and may include shapes related to the subject.


English Literature Poetry

POETRY IN ENGLISH LITERATURE- Major English Poems and Poets

Poetry in English Literature is vast, covering centuries of diverse poems. Here are some major poems and poets from different periods and styles.


   An epic poem dating back to the 8th century, one of the oldest surviving works of English literature.

 The Canterbury Tales – GEOFFREY CHAUCER

A collection of stories written in Middle English, offering a vivid portrait of medieval life.

 Paradise Lost – JOHN MILTON

A monumental epic poem exploring the Fall of Man, Satan’s rebellion, and humanity’s redemption.

 Sonnet 18 (“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”) – WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

One of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets celebrates the beauty of the beloved.

 To His Coy Mistress – ANDREW MARWELL

A metaphysical poem advocating carpe diem, urging the beloved to seize the day.

  The Flea – JOHN DONNE

Furthermore, this poem delves into the complexities of human relationships.

 The Waste Land – T.S ELIOT

A modernist masterpiece, reflecting the disillusionment and fragmentation of post-World War I society.

 Dover Beach – MATHEW ARNOLD

A reflective poem expressing Arnold’s concerns about the decline of faith in the face of an increasingly secular world.

 Ode to a Nightingale – JOHN KEATS

A Romantic ode exploring the themes of mortality, transience, and the power of art.

 On His Blindness –  JOHN MILTON

A contemplative sonnet reflecting on the poet’s blindness and God’s expectations.


A sonnet reflecting on the transience of power and the inevitable decline of all human achievements.


A visionary poem inspired by an opium-induced dream, celebrated for its vivid imagery and musical language.


An autobiographical poem tracing Wordsworth’s development as a poet and his relationship with nature.